"I want you to always remember that Kenpo will always be the art of Perpetual Change. If you remember this, the the art will never become obsolete because it will change with the times"
-Ed Parker-

A. natomical
S. pecific
T. arget
A. pplication
S. pontaneous
I. nitiated
A. ction
Temporary loss or impairment of proprioception will occur when the spinal column, joint or head is positioned in an unfamiliar position never experienced before. This will disrupt ones sence of location,position in space and cause loss of voluntary motor control of the involved joint or limb. Experiences include suddenly feeling that feet or legs are missing from ones mental self image: requiring to look down and make visual contact to assure that the limbs are indeed present: falling down while standing, espescially when attention is focus on something else other than the act of standing.
I have been working in the Physical Therapy Sports Med and Medical field for over 25 years now. After treating thousands of patients that range from a simple sprained ankle to a serious head trauma. I have learned that each patient has one common denominator. They all lack proprioceptive awareness post injury. I have learned hundreds of techniques and methods to regain joint and cranial proprioception, but I had never thought of a way to disrupt proprioception utilizing my medical training in conjuntion with my martial arts training. One day I stopped and analysed the mechanics of the injuries of my patients. I then applied my martial arts training and developed a reverse method that would disrupt the proprioceptive process by utilizing my martial arts technique.
For the past decade my son AJ and I have developed techniques and applications within our American Kenpo Karate training that can fully disrupt the proprioceptive process of the joints and brain. It is quite amazing how the human body responds to physically being placed in unfamiliar anatomical positions. The voluntary motor control temporarily shuts down leaving the body helpless and in an uncontrollable state. By manipulating and positioning the limbs, the spinal column and the human head position anyone can controll any human being.
Our techniques are all based upon the concepts and principles of American Kenpo Karate applied to the Anatomical target specifics of the human anatomy and physiology. We both have crosstrained in other styles and bringing our experience of modern wrestling, several Filipino and Malaysian arts, Wing Chung, Chin Na and Gracie Barra Jujitsu. We have mixed in intense years of boxing both in and out of the ring under the guidance of late GM Frank Trejo. The Collado Style is very eclectic, effective and devestating art form. Both my son AJ and I have spent countless hours viewing fights and attacks on video survailance cameras to studying the attacks, the attackers MO and also the reaction and the response of the victims. By studying these types of videos you can witness human fight or flight behaviors. All this information allows us to map out and develop methods agaist these types of attacks.

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