About Us
Angelo Collado
A.J. Collado

Master Angelo Collado
15 time Long Beach International Champion - 5 time European IKC Champion
Master Collado is an 8th Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo Karate. Mr. Collado received his rank from the following Instructors 1st Degree thru 4th fom GM Yosh Furuya, GM Frank Trejo and GM Roger Meadows, 5th from GM Frank Trejo, 6th from GM Frank Trejo, 7th GM Frank Trejo & GM Dave Hebler, 8th GM Yosh Furuya, GM Frank Trejo under the recommendations of GM Mike Pick. 9th Under Kenpo International , GM Velez,GM DiRienzo, Presented by GM Paul Dye. Master Collado is considered on of kenpo Karate's finest forms technicians and competitors. Master Collado earned his way through his extensive competition accomplishments. Master Collado won the 1996 IKC Grand Championship and maintained his 18 year streak and most recently won the Gold Medal in 2014 IKC in Long Beach CA. Master Collado was select to represent EPAK as a DREAM TEAM member based on his accomplishments as a competitor and Instructor. Inducted into the Masters Hall of Fame in 2000. Master Collado had the honor to be selected as an honoree in the upcoming book "The JOURNEY 3" Kenpo's next generation written by Tom Bleecker. Today Master Collado travels the US and Europe scarring and teaching his discoveries of the Martial Arts to all styles and Martial Artist seeking new ideas. In 2003 Master Collado and Partner Tuhon Steve Tarani founded the Kenpo Karambit. A lethal combination of the ancient Malaysian Blade and combined with the principles and concepts of American Kenpo Karate. Edged weapon training was also explored and developed within the ASTASIA kenpo System.
Off the mat MAster Collado has over 30 years experience as a Registered Sports Medicine Therapist working with thousands of athletes recover from all toes of sports injuries. His combined knowledge of the Healing ARTS mixed with the MArtial Arts is a perfect Ying and Yang balance.
A.J. Collado 4th Degree BlackBelt
AJ began his training in 1994 at the age of 2 yrs old, by the time AJ was 6 he had already won his first Long Beach IKC Champion Title in Kumite. Currently holds 2 IKC champion Titles in Kenpo Forms. His fighting skills were sharp from the beginning. As he grew older he began to play Hockey. With in a few seasons AJ was on the Calif State team traveling the country to National Level Tournaments. He continued his hockey and Martial arts training through High school.
In addition to Hockey AJ was a CIF Champion Wrestler and played on the South Hills Varsity Football Team . Aj was fortunate to spend nearly a decade training directly in private with the great GM Frank Trejo. Aj became an incredible boxer and a great technician under GM Trejo's guidance. He carries the boxing legacy of GM Frank Trejo in his fighting skills. AJ has also trained directly with GM Yosh Furuya, GM Mike Pick and GM Dan Rodarte. AJ was kicked in to his 1st degree Black Belt by Grand Masters Frank Trejo, Yosh Furuya, Mike Pick and myself. Quite an honor as a 1st Degree Blackbelt. When he is not training he we are actively training and developing new skills. Cross training in JuJItsu, Wing Chung , Capoiera and Filipino edged weapons.