In Reality the attacker will respond not only to your strikes but will continue to throw multiple kicks and punches at you while you try to defend and counter strike. This is call a FIGHT! It is the responsibility of every instructor to expose this level of training to all their students. A spontaneous and constant attack is a reality. Our ASTASIA
training methods address these scenarios every time we train. We always throw multiple strikes and we don't allow the attacker to stop until they are stopped (Controlled contact) by a targeted strike. Accuracy and target selection and consistency is an essential component of a successful defense/offense. The study of anatomical target application is a great part of our training. Knowing not only where to hit but how to hit to maximize the damage and response of each and every strike.
The reality of it is simple. If you don't train fallout in a realistic scenario you will not respond correctly in a real situation. Far too many students feel that they can pull of a book technique on any attacker at any time. I hear this statement all the time in my travels.When "fight of flight" systems kick in you will have no idea what your response will be unless you go there..train there and know your you stuff will work!

Traditional training methods teach us to react and work on attackers who are relaxed and stagnant. This is to allow us to work our techniques and work our timing on a very, calm, and compliant attacker. This method of training is a training tool only. Many Instructors allow this and never evolve the attacks throughout the entire training of a student. No one ever seems to realize that a real attacker will not stop and allow you to beat them to a pulp. They will continue to throw strikes and will not stop. This type of training only builds complacency and a false seance of belief that you will be able to defend yourself.